Dilsova is active to help poor,misery,victimsNepali people even though she is 56 years old.Khagesori Khadka of 104 years calls 'Ma' which means mother.After that name of organisation is 'Ama'.Dilsova Shrestha look old people at home as well Aryaghat's sick old people.She takes care till dead.She serves food in bed with love and care to sick and old people.She had 13 children.Four went Paropkar school,2 went St Xavier school and 2 went to Bal Mandir organisation.One child is adopted by her relative.Shopkeeper Divya Shichhit put donation box for the organisation.During some occasions these misery people get food.Now she is suppoted by many poeple and got more couraged.She says " Dr Ravi Dangol and Deepak Moharjan help a lot. These poor people got love and care rather than their parents.She does cleaning,washing,cooking food,taking them to toilet etc.She never hesitate to dishes where these people make pee and shit.She takes children to the school.When she knows someone in need, she bring back to her organisation.She took so many needy people from hospital.In the organisation now 4 old people who are more than 100 years.They are mental disorder,blind,deaf,no legs,no hands,some have leprosy.She has one malnutrition child cannot speak.She went 25 different school to admit him but refused her.This organisation registered in 1997.Her daughter helps her. Now a days she start getting help from NIC Bank made water tank which cost Rs.300000,Singer Nun Chhoyang Dolma bought washing machime,solar,sold her vechile in Rs.2o,00000 to buy land for the organisation and Social Welfare gave Rs.400000.These poor people are very grateful.These people feel save and secure.Dilsova Shrestha found Mina Maharjan under Bishnumati brigde where lots garbage and smell badly.Mina Maharjan had TB and was thrown by Tripureswor local people.Mina had swollen stoach,smell bad,body with full lice.Dilsova brought to Bir hospital and treated her.Doctor hesitated to touch her and wrote medicine.Medicine cost Rs.1500 but she had only Rs.400.She slod her gold ring.She bought clothe to dress Mina Maharjan.Mina got well and lives in Gyaneswor church.Dilsova Shrestha had hard life even though she was born in rich family.She married to Haritanama at age of 18 who cheated her.She had to live in rented hut which hole in roof and had ro sleep on mat covered her body with thin white cloth..She had nothing to eat.Her son was born in hospital and same day the baby was died.She has had full of tear in her eyes.Her husband used to do bus conductor and she used to weave hat,highneck and sweater and earned enough.She colected Rs.20,000 and bought land and bulit house.Her daughter finished degree and became dance teach in China,Henan University.Dilsova Shrestha's husband got married to another woman and used to drink alot with friends.He r husband pushed her when asked question and fell down from ladder.She got wounded in head.Her busband left her and took all the money she had collected for her daughter marriage.Her busband never came back.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Then Ten Indian Comment
- Reman close to the great spirit
- Show great respect for your fellow beings
- Give assistance and wherever needed
- Be truthful and honest at all times
- Do what you know to be right
- Look after the well being of mind and body
- Treat the earth and all that dwell there on with respect
- Take full responsibility for your actions
- Dedicate a share of your efforts to the great benefit of all mankind.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
John's real story(Part 9)
You know he has to sleep and eat in the organisation even though he doesn't want too.The organisation where he used live.He has to play hide and seek in his life.He cannot show his face the girl he loves.He wants take good care his parents,younger sisters and the girl he loves.He has to lie a lot even though he doesn't want too.He wants to go either Canada or USA to work so that he can earn lot of money.And then come to his own country fullfill his dream.Even though he gets job but pays less which is just survive.He knows American,Maxican,continental,chinese,italian,some European cuisines.Any of these he can assist the chef.He knows some bakery like making muffins,pies,quiches etc.
John's real story(Part 8)
His parents are very poor, old and physically very wick.They are depending on their sons and one elder daughter.Their daughter helped them a lot than sons did.It does't mean that sons are bad just they cannot.Their sons want to help the parents in need.Their sons are helping how much they can.John wants to help his parents but he has very bad situation.After he came from Mauritius ,he is facing hard life.Hard to get job.All the he had is finished.He is totally broke.His dream to buy own house which has little bit space for garden.And in that house with beautiful wife and she loves him a lot.He doesn't know when his dream come true.He loves to UK,Canada,USA and Switzerland.All the time he is facing failure life.He went through different religions to find the sloution and make himself peace in mind.He could find no sloution but just to suffer.He thinks that there are many Johns who suffer a lot like him.He has no money to buy food stuffs.He couldn't study further to get better job.He went many institute but they cheated him.They are there to earn themsef but not help others.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Shanghai Ding is a new Shanghainese restaurant recently opened in Penang. I love Shanghainese food and couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try a new restaurant. Penang is no Shanghai, but I was pleased with the food there.
This is their flagship specialty: Crab Meat Xiao Long Bao . I am not a novice in this delicacy and have had the best Xiao Long Bao in Shanghai, Taipei, and Hong Kong. Theirs were authentic and quite tasty–the skin thin and the dumplings were filled with hot and juicy broth. The traditional Shanghai Xiao Long Bao (with just pork meat) were pretty good, too.
This is their flagship specialty: Crab Meat Xiao Long Bao . I am not a novice in this delicacy and have had the best Xiao Long Bao in Shanghai, Taipei, and Hong Kong. Theirs were authentic and quite tasty–the skin thin and the dumplings were filled with hot and juicy broth. The traditional Shanghai Xiao Long Bao (with just pork meat) were pretty good, too.
About remedies(astrology)
There is a remedy for every problem. This is the unique feature of our astrology site. Our founder Dattatreya Siva Baba says "We all know that we have money or relationship problems. We do not need the planets to confirm what we already know. What then is the purpose of astrology? The purpose of astrology is to find remedies for our current problems and to avoid future problems."
Nevertheless it is a sad fact that only 2% of visitors to our site use our remedial services. The statistics is not surprising. The planets will not allow you to escape your karma that easily. It will create many obstacles to perform the remedies. It has happened for Ramana Maharishi himself. Carl Jung described Ramana Maharishi, the whitest spot in the white sky. Yet Ramana Maharishi died a painful death from cancer. Brighu, the Vedic Seer astrology, gave him a remedy. But Ramana Maharishi ignored the remedy. Paramahamsa Yogananda also was skeptical to the remedy suggested by his guru. When this is the case with highly evolved souls, it is not surprising that common people ignore remedies.
The dynamics of remedy is interesting. The person who suggests remedy for the client immediately comes under a curse from the planets. It is the reason why an orthodox astrologer in India keeps purifying himself on daily basis to get rid of curses coming from his clients remedies. The most curious dynamics of remedial astrology is that the remedy has to be performed by the right ritual performer. Procuring the right ritual performer is equivalent to getting the right attorney to represent you. Besides the performance of remedies by the third party, the individual himself should engage in penance and meditation in order to counteract malefic results from the planets.
Datta has developed a remedial package keeping in mind all of the elements
Nevertheless it is a sad fact that only 2% of visitors to our site use our remedial services. The statistics is not surprising. The planets will not allow you to escape your karma that easily. It will create many obstacles to perform the remedies. It has happened for Ramana Maharishi himself. Carl Jung described Ramana Maharishi, the whitest spot in the white sky. Yet Ramana Maharishi died a painful death from cancer. Brighu, the Vedic Seer astrology, gave him a remedy. But Ramana Maharishi ignored the remedy. Paramahamsa Yogananda also was skeptical to the remedy suggested by his guru. When this is the case with highly evolved souls, it is not surprising that common people ignore remedies.
The dynamics of remedy is interesting. The person who suggests remedy for the client immediately comes under a curse from the planets. It is the reason why an orthodox astrologer in India keeps purifying himself on daily basis to get rid of curses coming from his clients remedies. The most curious dynamics of remedial astrology is that the remedy has to be performed by the right ritual performer. Procuring the right ritual performer is equivalent to getting the right attorney to represent you. Besides the performance of remedies by the third party, the individual himself should engage in penance and meditation in order to counteract malefic results from the planets.
Datta has developed a remedial package keeping in mind all of the elements
John's real story(Part 7)
when he was in Buddha Academy he was fall in love one girl whos name is S.N.She was cheating him but truely loved another boy whos name is R.K.John left school and again came back to school.Now she accused him and curse him.Now he doesn't have no feelings for her but he doesn't wish bad things in her lives.He always wishes happiness comes in her lives.Many times she interferred in his life.She wishes to see him cry.She didn't let any girl to fall in love with him even though he is good,kind and understanding person.She always used to talk bad about him to other girls.But he didn't interferr in her lives and never will.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Footprints in the sand
One night a man had a dream. He dreamed he was walking along the beach with lord. Across the sky flashed scenes from his life. For each scene,he noticed two sets of footprints in the sand; one belonging to him,and the other to lord.When the last scene of his life flashed before him,he looked back at footprints in the sand.He noticed that many times along the path of his there was only one set of footprints.He also noticed that it happened at the very lowest and saddest times in his life. This really bothered him and qustioned the lord about it. "Lord,you said that once I decided to follow you, You'd walk with me all the way.But I have noticed that during the most troublesome times in my life.There is only one set of footprints.I don't understand why.When I needed you most you would leave me".The Lord replied,My precious,precious child, I love you and I would never leave you.During your times of trial and suffering,when you see only one set of footprints in the sand it was then that I carried you".
Monday, August 17, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Aware of Swine flu
Swine flu is a respiratory disease which infects pigs but also people,typically those who have been in contact with pigs
Symptoms in humans:People to people
transmission is through coughing,sneezing, fever,sore throat,vomitting,diarrhea,
runny nose,lack of appetite,
Symptoms in humans:People to people
transmission is through coughing,sneezing, fever,sore throat,vomitting,diarrhea,
runny nose,lack of appetite,
precautions:Very frequent hand washing,
Stay at home if you are sick
Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing
Cover your mouth when coughing and sneezing
The virus
influenza A subtypes:
Incubation time 5_10days
There are no vaccines that contain current
swine flu virus causing illness in humans
Incubation time 5_10days
There are no vaccines that contain current
swine flu virus causing illness in humans
Thursday, August 13, 2009
About the H1N1 Virus
Being careful is more important than hitting the panic.Global data shows that less than 6% of those affected needed hospitalisation,while 1/3 of those in hospital needed ICU care.Hower,those who have recovered from the flu are not immune to the infection and have to remain careful.
In Adults In children
- Shortness of breath Fast breathing or difficulty in
- Pain or pressure in the chest or breathing
- abdomen Bluish or grey skin colour
- Sudden dizziness,cinfusin,vomitting, Not drinking enough fluid
- Flu symptoms improve Severe or persistent vomitting
- but return with fever,cough
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
John's real life story(Part 6)
John took loan from Swiss god mother Rs15000 to do cooking trainning.But one of his took from him.His elder sister gave him Rs. 6000.He went to cook trainning institute.The director told him that he could go for practical in 5star hotel.He did threay and practical in institute but didn't get chance to go for practical in hotel.It seems like god is not being fair with him.He hard got chance to work at Mike's Breakfast and that also he had do free of cost for 8 or 9months. And then he got job at thai restaurant as an assistant cook.His salary was Rs.2500 which was just enough to servive and but could not save.He got visa from mautritius as a cook and he worked that country till 7months because his boss wanted Indian cook.He went to thai restaurant in that country but director told him that she will definitely take him as a thai cook in the next year.He trusted her and has hope to see that country again.He is just suffering only.
Mr John's real story(Part 5)
He knew that every poor has to suffer a lot.He took loan from his god mother Rs 15000 to do cooking trainning.But this money was taken away by his one of friend.He had nothing left.His elder sister gave
Mr John's real story(Part 4)
John studied in NOS(Delhi board).He took science subject including maths and english.He stayed in Kolkata for two years.He had to go for tuition in Institute.Everything had to managed my himself.He did well in most of the subjects accept in math.He got 8 out of 100 marks.In next tried he got 10 out of 100 marks.He thought,he could make it but didn't succeed.This proofs that god is so unfair in his life.Even though he had,has and will have determination .He was not lazy,not will.God is not by his side even though he has good heart in comparison to other people.He is out reach of love,care and understanding by the people.His life is hallow and empty.His life is fractmention into sadder.Everybody wants to him only instead of understanding him well.Any way he came back to Nepal.He had stayed in NAG.He took short course in CHW(Commnuity Health Worker).But it didn't support to get job.He requested NAG director for HA(Health Assistant) but refused and had to leave NAG.He got panic because he didn't know what to do.He came back to his elder sister house and saw his father.He was worried so much about his future.He came out of sister's house and walked on the road.Tears came from his eyes but couldn't scream.It was rainning at night.Many people are suffering like him.He hate to be poor.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Arai is a president of software

The Japanese government called Arai a ‘genius programmer/super creator’ in its famous software engineer support program “Mitou Project.” He is also known by his blog and social activities for software engineers.
Shunichi Arai has studied Korean language in Seoul for 4 months. Shun loves Korean culture, food, and people.
Sir James Paul McCartney

Saturday, August 8, 2009
Albert Einstein

var PageContent= 'In the bizarre world of sub atomic quantum physics, one of the weirder applications is the theory of quantum entanglement -- where particles become entangled and whatever happens to one of the linked objects, affects the other, no matter how far apart they are.The effect, dubbed "spooky" by Einstein has long intrigued physicists in their attempt to discover how it is that both objects can "signal" each other at distance. Experiments have ruled out any such force being transmitted within the world of classical physics which states that nothing can move faster than the speed of light, yet the intriguing possibility has remained that there is a yet-to-be-identified "X-factor" force which communicates between the two sub atomic particles. Now researchers at the University of Geneva have split up entangled pairs of photons, or packets of light, and sent them over two optical fibre cables to stations at two Swiss villages some 11 miles (18 kilometers) apart from each other. The stations confirmed that each pair of photons had remained entangled and by analyzing one, scientists could predict aspects of its partner, reported LiveScience. Measurements taken from the separate sites showed that for any hidden signal to travel from one station to the other in just 300 trillionths of a second — the rapidity at which the stations could accurately detect the photons — any such x-factor force had to travel at least 10,000 times the speed of light, the report claimed.Nicolas Gisin, a physicist at the University of Geneva told LiveScience that, if there is such a force, it clearly renders implausible the classical physics law that nothing can travel faster than light and added: "what\'s fascinating here is that we see that nature is able to produce events that can manifest themselves at several locations." \n"In a sense, these instantaneous events "seem to happen from outside space-time, in that it\'s not a story you can tell within space-time," Gisin told LiveScience. "This is something that an entire community of scientists is already studying very intensively." \nGisin and his colleagues have published their findings in the August 14 issue of the journal Nature. ';
In the bizarre world of sub atomic quantum physics, one of the weirder applications is the theory of quantum entanglement -- where particles become entangled and whatever happens to one of the linked objects, affects the other, no matter how far apart they are.The effect, dubbed "spooky" by Einstein has long intrigued physicists in their attempt to discover how it is that both objects can "signal" each other at distance. Experiments have ruled out any such force being transmitted within the world of classical physics which states that nothing can move faster than the speed of light, yet the intriguing possibility has remained that there is a yet-to-be-identified "X-factor" force which communicates between the two sub atomic particles. Now researchers at the University of Geneva have split up entangled pairs of photons, or packets of light, and sent them over two optical fibre cables to stations at two Swiss villages some 11 miles (18 kilometers) apart from each other. The stations confirmed that each pair of photons had remained entangled and by analyzing one, scientists could predict aspects of its partner, reported LiveScience. Measurements taken from the separate sites showed that for any hidden signal to travel from one station to the other in just 300 trillionths of a second — the rapidity at which the stations could accurately detect the photons — any such x-factor force had to travel at least 10,000 times the speed of light, the report claimed.Nicolas Gisin, a physicist at the University of Geneva told LiveScience that, if there is such a force, it clearly renders implausible the classical physics law that nothing can travel faster than light and added: "what's fascinating here is that we see that nature is able to produce events that can manifest themselves at several locations."
"In a sense, these instantaneous events "seem to happen from outside space-time, in that it's not a story you can tell within space-time," Gisin told LiveScience. "This is something that an entire community of scientists is already studying very intensively."
Gisin and his colleagues have published their findings in the August 14 issue of the journal Nature.
Pashupatinath temple

Pashupatinath Temple is a pagoda style two-tiered golden roof with exquisitely carved four silver doors containaing in its sanctum a phallic idol with four faces facing each direction and the fifth one is looking up to the zenith.A temple dedicated to shiva was constructed at the present site by Lichhavi King Shupuspa Verma according to an ancient chronicle .However the present temple is claimed to have been built by King Bhupatindra Malla in 1697AD. Legend has it that cow would frequently escape from its herds and offer milk on a jyotirlinga (phallic symbol of Shiva) which denotes the point where the temple stands today. It is said that a certain cowherd much to his surprise found the self-generated jyotirlinga when the dug the spot where the cow would give milk.the spot immediately became the center of worship that has been continued till today.Legend also mentions that the Pandavas after the great Mahabharata battle were told that only by sighting Shiva would they be absolvedof their sins and it was at this very spot that they saw the Lord. Hence, this most sacred abode of shiva, which is the God of the Gods- Mahadeva-merits a visit by all Hindus, at least once in a lifetime, to be truly blessed and cleansed.it is believed that pilgrimage to the four dhams like Dwarika, Kedar Rameshwar and Jaganath of India becomes meaningful only after a final darshan of Pashupatinath and by taking a holy dip in the Bagmati River and conducting a proper puja and circiling the 525 Shiva Lingas in the temple premises will free a person from the cycle of births and rebirths. There are temples of other hindu deities in pashupati premises. In the premise of the Pashupati Temple are other temples like Bhairavnath, Vasuki Nag, Parbati Temple, Ram Mandir, Vishwo Rup, Gorakhnath, Kirateshwor temple and dozens of temples dedicated to different God and Goddesses.A considerable part of the temple vicinity is converted to rest and prayer areas. Behind the temple on the banks of Bagmati is a crematorium for Hindus. It is the wish of every Hindu to be cremated on the Bank of the Bagmati River in the near the temple.At the other end of the Pashupatinath Temple are is the temple of Guheshwori dedicated to Shiva’s consort Parbati also known as Satidevi There is also a deer park at the back of the temple across the bagmati river. It is also interestig to watch the monkeys roam in and around the temple freely. One may also observe Sadhus smeared with ashes and dressed in loin-cloths and the Hindu Brahmins offering Tika and blessing to the visitors.pashupatinath attracts thousands of pilgrims on spring festival maha shivaratri (feb-march), the day dedicated to shiva, hari Talika/Teej(Aug-Sep), Janai Purnima (July-Aug) and all Mondays of the month of Shrawan (July-Aug).In October 1997 Pashupati area was decleared as the World Heritage site by UNESCO and the temple is being managed by Pashupati Area Development Trust Tthe temple activities can be observed from back of the temple.
John's real story(III)
John and two boys were Sambodha School for three years.John and other two boys went to different school in hostel.John joined Buddha Academy school and other two boys joined Future Star High School.They love each other very much.Bidur Tamang and Kanchha Magar finished their shcool from Future Star.But John studied Buddha Academy till grade seven and then joined Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute in grade eight.In final exam he was failed in optional math because many students in each and gave retest.He got promoted in grade nine.In grade nine he was failed in five subjects in first,second and last term exams.He had to repeat in grade nine.But he didn't make it.So he got transfer certificate and joined Shrine Academy High School in grade ten.In this school he had improved a lot.In S.LC board exam he was failed in compulsary math.Again he had to re-exam and got 49 out of 100.He went Kolkalt to senior secondary school.
Friday, August 7, 2009
John's real story(II)
John studied in Sambodha High School for three years.John and two other boys went to different school.John joined Buddha Academy hostel plus went to same school for study. Other two boys went to Future Star High School hostel and they had to study same school.They finished their school from Future Star.John studied Buddha Academy till grade seven and then joined Siddhartha Vanasthali Institute in grade eight.He failed optional math in final exam.He had given again optional math test and got succeed.He got promoted in grade nine.In grade nine he failed in five subjects and had repeated in nine grade.But he didn't succeed in grade nine and got tranfer cetificate.He went to Shrine Academy High School and joined in grade ten.
John's real story(I)
John and other two boys were studing Sambodha High School for thtree years.John and his other two friends were went to different school.Two boys went to Future Star High School and John went to Buddha Academy .John studied up to grade seven and then joined Siddhartha Vanasthali Instutute in grade eight.He was failed in optional math and had to give back paper.Then he was promoted to grade nine.In grade nine he was failed in five subjects and had to study in same grade.He was doing his best but couldn't succeed.He was feeling bad but had no choice
Thursday, August 6, 2009
swiss lady asked John wether go back to home or go to school.He decided to join the school.So that day she took him with her.She bathed him with warm water .When he entered the room saw two other boys who were taken by her.One is Bidur Tamang and Kanchha Magar.Three of them went to same school and name of this school is Shree Mangal Deipe High School.This school especially for monks.They had to study tibetan subject including other subjects.They had to stay same school hostel.She huged and kissed each one of them when she left them at school.She treated them like her own children.At that it was winter vacation for one month and there was only three of them in that hostel.There was one tuitor who used to teach english and maths.Within a month they were able to join U.K.G.They study very hard and promoted to class one.But Swiss lady sifted to another school.Name of school is Sambodha High School.Three of them again had to join L.K.G because they couldn't able to read and write well in english.In this school small kids were able to speak english fluently and they(three boys) felt wow!
John's life story
He is born in South-West of Nepal,Parsa district,Narayani zone.He left home when he was 9years old.He came to Kathmandu with young lady to work in her house.At that time he had to look after cattles,clean shit,cut grass and had to washed dishes.Ater 6 or 7 months,his brother_in_law took him to mother's parent home.There he had to cook food and had to wash dishes .Then had to go government school from 10am to till 3:0pm.He stayed with his grand parent till 5 or 6months.After that he ran way and joined street kids who live mostly Pashupatinath temple.He had to sleep the pavement of Pashupatinath temple into rice sack.Suddenly he and his street friends heard that one beautiful young Swiss lady was serving tea,bread in the morning and lunch at day time near to Boudhanath temple.All of them came to Boudhanath temple to get breakfast and lunch.Sometimes they used to collect milk plastics,metals and bottles.They sold them to get money.John had to listen to them because they were seniors.John came back to grand parent.Grand mother bathed him and washed his dirty clothes.Combed his hair.Again he ran way and joined same street friends.He used to come Boudhanath for breakfast and lunch.At night he was shivering and suddenly swiss lady touched to her heart.She gave him clean clothe but it was long.His back side of pant was hole and shirt came out like tail.
Mexico, the U.S. and the Economic Crisis

"Poor Mexico! So far from God, and so close to the United States!" - Porfirio Diaz
There's an old saying that when the U.S. economy gets a cold, the Mexican economy gets pneumonia. For example, between 2000 and 2001, when the Internet bubble burst and the U.S. economy slowed from 3.7 percent to 0.8 percent, Mexico's economy went from 6.6 percent growth to zero, with devastating effects on the lives of millions of people. So what happens when the U.S. economy itself gets pneumonia? The deepening U.S. financial crisis is already having a violent knock-on effect around the world, and Mexico will be among the hardest hit.
Mexican President Felipe Calderon – considered by millions of Mexicans as illegitimate due to the blatant electoral fraud that brought him to power – has said that Mexico is no longer economically dependent on the U.S. and will therefore not be adversely affected by the crisis. Confronted with rising social instability and falling oil revenues, Calderon needs to put on a brave face and find a way to justify his government's increasing use of repression to maintain itself in power. Social discontent in the country is reaching the boiling point and a further hit to the Mexican economy could unleash an even bigger wave of mobilizations by the masses, with revolutionary implications. Unfortunately for Calderon, the reality is a far cry from his optimistic assessment.
According to Alfredo Coutino, a senior economist for Latin America at Moody's Economy.com: "Mexico is the most exposed economy to the U.S. recession." And according to George Grayson, an expert on Mexico at the College of William & Mary in Virginia: "I think Calderon is sort of like a deer caught in the headlights of four onrushing tractor trailers." How could it be otherwise when 80 percent of Mexican exports go to the U.S., and U.S. consumers and companies are cutting back across the board? Already, the U.S. economic crisis is having a devastating effect on millions of Mexicans (and Central Americans) living at home and abroad.
For decades, U.S. corporations shuttered factories and "shipped jobs off to Mexico" in pursuit of higher profits due to the availability of cheaper labor and weaker labor and environmental protections. Now factories in Mexico are being shut down and the jobs are being "shipped off to Asia." According to the United Nations, from 1970 to 2007, Latin America's share of worldwide domestic product remained more or less unchanged at 5.7 percent, while Asia's share grew from 18 percent to 29 percent. Mexico's share of the world economy has now fallen from a 1980 high of 1.4 percent to just 1.2 percent. In other words, the region has stagnated for nearly 40 years, and even before the recent crisis, Mexico was on a downward spiral.
Angelina Jolie best-paid movie actress in Hollywood62

Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie commands a $15 million a movie. She recently starred in Clint Eastwood’s Changeling and in Wanted. Her contract states that in case of a sequel, she is expected make $20 million according to Hollywood Reporter. Jolie will make more than Julia Roberts and Reece Witherspoon. Jolie finished second in 2007. Other stars like Nicole Kidman and Halle Berry don’t get paid as much as Jolie, they make less than $10 million. Cameron Diaz, Katherine Heigl, Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway and Jennifer Aniston are ahead of them both. Overall, the male stars make more money than their female counterparts. Will Smith tops the list with $25 million per movie. Jolie’s husband Brad Pitt makes $20 million for a movie.
Best actor of 2008 and highest earning

According to Forbes, Ford had a share in the profit of the film that earned $786 million at the worldwide box office.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Mother Teresa

Cotillard wins best actress Oscar

LOS ANGELES, Feb. 24 (Xinhua) -- France's Marion Cotillard won the best actress Oscar award Sunday for her role in "La Vie en Rose."
Acting as a French singer in the film, Cotillard beat favorite Julie Christie, who had been expected to grab a second Oscar for "Away From Her."
Christie played a heartbreaking turn as a woman succumbing to Alzheimer's in "Away From Her." She won best actress 42 years ago for "Darling."
Cotillard tearfully thanked her director, Olivier Dahan.
"Maestro Olivier, you rocked my life. You have truly rocked my life," said Cotillard, who is a dynamo as Piaf, playing the warbling chanteuse through three decades, from raw late teens as a singer rising from the gutter through international stardom and her final days in her frail 40s.
"Thank you life, thank you love. And it is true that there are some angels in this city."
A relatively fresh face in Hollywood, Cotillard has U.S. credits that include "Big Fish," "A Good Year" and the upcoming "Public Enemies."
The best supporting-actor award went to Javier Bardem for his role as an unshakable executioner in "No Country for Old Men."
"This is pretty amazing," Bardem exclaimed, expressing thanks to, among others, his mother.
A Spanish actor, Bardem plays a terrifying yet perversely amusing character in "No Country for Old Men," one of the favorites for Oscard gold.
Tilda Swinton grabbed the best supporting-actress award for her role as a malevolent attorney in "Michael Clayton."
"I have an American agent who is the spitting image of this," said Swinton, fondly looking at her Oscar statuette.
"Really, truly, the same shape head, and it has to be said, the buttocks. And I'm giving this to him, because there's no way I'd be in America at all, ever, on a plane if it wasn't for him," said the Scottish actress, who played a conniving attorney who stops at nothing to achieve her goals in a 3-billion-dollar class-action lawsuit.
Earlier in the evening, the bloody musical "Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street" was honored with an Oscar for art direction. Italian production designer Dante Ferretti and his wife, set designer Francesca Lo Schiavo, shared the honor.
"The Golden Compass" led to an Oscar for visual effects.
The Academy Award winner for best film editing is Christopher Rouse for "The Bourne Ultimatum."
The Oscar Academy Award for best animated feature film went to the rat tale "Ratatouille" directed by Brade Bird.
It was the second Oscar win in the category for director Bird who also won the animation Oscar for 2004's "The Incredibles."
"Ratatouille" tells the story of a gourmand rat who fulfills his dream of cooking in a Paris restaurant with help from a clumsy human youth.
The winner of the first Oscar of the night, for best costume design, is Alexandra Byrne for "Elizabeth: The Golden Age."
The Oscar for best makeup was awarded to Didier Lavergne and Jan Archibald for "La Vie en Rose."
The 80th Annual Academy Awards got underway beneath gray skies and drizzles at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood, downtown Los Angeles.
Vehicle insurance in Canada

Several Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec) provide a public auto insurance system while in the rest of the country insurance is provided privately. Basic auto insurance is mandatory throughout Canada with each province's government determining which benefits are included as minimum required auto insurance coverage and which benefits are options available for those seeking additional coverage. Accident benefits coverage is mandatory everywhere except for Newfoundland and Labrador. All provinces in Canada have some form of no-fault insurance available to accident victims. The difference from province to province is the extent to which tort or no-fault is emphasized.[2] Typically, coverage against loss of or damage to the driver's own vehicle is optional - one notable exception to this is in Saskatchewan, where SGI provides collision coverage (less than a $700 deductible, such as a collision damage waiver) as part of its basic insurance policy. In Saskatchewan, residents have the option to have their auto insurance through a tort system but less than 0.5% of the population have taken this option.[2]
Several Canadian provinces (British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Quebec) provide a public auto insurance system while in the rest of the country insurance is provided privately. Basic auto insurance is mandatory throughout Canada with each province's government determining which benefits are included as minimum required auto insurance coverage and which benefits are options available for those seeking additional coverage. Accident benefits coverage is mandatory everywhere except for Newfoundland and Labrador. All provinces in Canada have some form of no-fault insurance available to accident victims. The difference from province to province is the extent to which tort or no-fault is emphasized.[2] Typically, coverage against loss of or damage to the driver's own vehicle is optional - one notable exception to this is in Saskatchewan, where SGI provides collision coverage (less than a $700 deductible, such as a collision damage waiver) as part of its basic insurance policy. In Saskatchewan, residents have the option to have their auto insurance through a tort system but less than 0.5% of the population have taken this option.[2]
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Vehicle insurance in United Kingdom

The minimum level of insurance cover commonly available and which satisfies the requirement of the act is called third party only insurance. The level of cover provided by Third party only insurance is basic but does exceed the requirements of the act.
Road Traffic Act Only Insurance is not the same as Third Party Only Insurance and is not often sold. It provides the very minimum cover to satisfy the requirements of the act. For example Road Traffic Act Only Insurance has a limit of £250,000 for damage to third party property and does not cover emergency treatment fees. Third party insurance has a far greater limit for third party property damage and will cover emergency treatment fees.
It is an offence to drive a car, or allow others to drive it, without at least third party insurance whilst on the public highway (or public place Section 143(1)(a) RTA 1988 as amended 1991); however, no such legislation applies on private land.
Vehicles which are exempted by the act, from the requirement to be covered, include those owned by certain councils and local authorities, national park authorities, education authorities, police authorities, fire authorities, health service bodies and security services.
The insurance certificate or cover note issued by the insurance company constitutes legal evidence that the vehicle specified on the document is insured. The law says that an authorised person, such as the police, may require a driver to produce an insurance certificate for inspection. If the driver cannot show the document immediately on request, then the driver will usually be issued a HORT/1 with seven days, as of midnight of the date of issue, to take a valid insurance certificate (and usually other driving documents as well) to a police station of the driver's choice. Failure to produce an insurance certificate is an offence. The HORT/1 is commonly known - even by the issuing authorities when dealing with the public - as a "Producer".
If a vehicle has been substantially modified, the modifications must be notified to the insurer, otherwise the policy becomes invalid. In the case of a police check finding that the modifications have not been notified to the insurance companies, the driver would be prosecuted for the disclosed offence[5].
Insurance is more expensive in Northern Ireland than in other parts of the UK.[vague][citation needed]
Most motorists in the UK are required to prominently display a vehicle licence (tax disc) on their vehicle when it is kept or driven on public roads. This helps to ensure that most people have adequate insurance on their vehicles because an insurance certificate must be produced when a disc is purchased.
The Motor Insurers Bureau compensates the victims of road accidents caused by uninsured and untraced motorists. It also operates the Motor Insurance Database, which contains details of every insured vehicle in the country. United States
In the United States, auto insurance covering liability for injuries and property damage done to others is compulsory in most states, though enforcement of the requirement varies from state to state. The state of New Hampshire, for example, does not require motorists to carry liability insurance (the ballpark model), while in Virginia residents must pay the state a $500 annual fee per vehicle if they choose not to buy liability insurance.[6] Penalties for not purchasing auto insurance vary by state, but often involve a substantial fine, license and/or registration suspension or revocation, as well as possible jail time in some states. Usually, the minimum required by law is third party insurance to protect third parties against the financial consequences of loss, damage or injury caused by a vehicle.
Some states, such as North Carolina, require that a driver hold liability insurance before a license can be issued.
Arizona Department of Transportation Research Project Manager John Semmens has recommended that car insurers issue license plates, and that they be held responsible for the full cost of injuries and property damages caused by their licensees under the Disneyland model. Plates would expire at the end of the insurance coverage period, and licensees would need to return their plates to their insurance office to receive a refund on their premiums. Vehicles driving without insurance would thus be easy to spot because they would not have license plates, or the plates would be past the marked expiration date.
Reach & Distribution

YouTube provides partners with enormous reach in the U.S. and around the world:
People are watching hundreds of millions of videos a day on YouTube, and uploading hundreds of thousands oYouTube provides partners with enormous reach in the U.S. and around the world:
People are watching hundreds of millions of videos a day on YouTube, and uploading hundreds of thousands of videos daily.
YouTube is the number one video site on the internet and the 4th largest Internet destination in the world. (Nielsen NetRatings, December 2008)
YouTube attracted over 300 million unique video viewers across the world in December 2008. (Nielsen NetRatings, December 2008)
YouTube is the #2 Search engine in the world, after Google and before Yahoo! (comScore, October 2008f videos daily.
YouTube is the number one video site on the internet and the 4th largest Internet destination in the world. (Nielsen NetRatings, December 2008)
YouTube attracted over 300 million unique video viewers across the world in December 2008. (Nielsen NetRatings, December 2008)
YouTube is the #2 Search engine in the world, after Google and before Yahoo! (comScore, October 2008
People are watching hundreds of millions of videos a day on YouTube, and uploading hundreds of thousands oYouTube provides partners with enormous reach in the U.S. and around the world:
People are watching hundreds of millions of videos a day on YouTube, and uploading hundreds of thousands of videos daily.
YouTube is the number one video site on the internet and the 4th largest Internet destination in the world. (Nielsen NetRatings, December 2008)
YouTube attracted over 300 million unique video viewers across the world in December 2008. (Nielsen NetRatings, December 2008)
YouTube is the #2 Search engine in the world, after Google and before Yahoo! (comScore, October 2008f videos daily.
YouTube is the number one video site on the internet and the 4th largest Internet destination in the world. (Nielsen NetRatings, December 2008)
YouTube attracted over 300 million unique video viewers across the world in December 2008. (Nielsen NetRatings, December 2008)
YouTube is the #2 Search engine in the world, after Google and before Yahoo! (comScore, October 2008
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